Louella Beazley Memorial Scholarship

After watching her stepson struggle while studying in medical school, Mrs. Louella Beazley set up this fund to assist high school students graduating from Kerr County who were pursuing a degree in the medical field. After the passing of Mrs. Beazley in 1999, this memorial fund has continued to assist medical students from Kerr County.

Estimated Award Amount

$5,000 - Four-year award

Renew or Reapply?



February 4, 2025


Applicant must be a graduating student from a high school in Kerr County or a home schooled graduating senior from Kerr County. Applicant must be majoring in the field of medicine or nursing. Applicant should have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicant must be able to provide a list of extracurricular activities, community service work, and academic awards and honors. The Louella Beazley Memorial Scholarship is a four-year renewable scholarship. Recipient must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA and must submit a copy of an official college transcript of their grades each year in order to receive funds for successive years.

Selection Criteria

Selection is based on academic performance, extracurricular activities, community service, and financial need. Recipient must be accepted in an accredited college or university prior to award decision. The scholarship award is null and void if not accepted within one year of award date.

Type of Student

Graduating High School Senior

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