2025 FAQs


About the Community Impact Fund


  1. Who does the Community Impact Fund make grants to?

The Community Impact Fund makes grants to nonprofit organizations located in or providing services to residents in the Community Foundation’s service area: Bandera, Blanco, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, Real, and Uvalde counties. If a nonprofit is located outside of the service area, it may apply if it provides services within the service area. Any awarded grant to such an organization will require that funds must only be spent on activities within the service area.


  1. Our organization’s 501(c)(3) status is pending with the IRS; can we still apply?

No. Eligible applicants must not only have received a 501(c)(3) determination from the IRS, but applicants must also have 12 months of operating history beyond the date of the IRS determination letter, prior to the grant submittal deadline.


  1. Do we need an audit?

Not in every case. The Community Impact Fund process requires all organizations to submit the most recent financial statements along with the grant application. If the applicant organization had an operating budget below $350,000 the previous fiscal year, the most recently completed fiscal year financial statements must be submitted. If the applicant organization had an operating budget of $350,000-$749,999 for the previous fiscal year, then reviewed financial statements issued by a CPA are required. If the applicant organization had an operating budget of $750,000 or more for the previous fiscal year, audited financial statements issued by a CPA are required. Applicant organizations with an operating budget of $749,999 or less for the previous fiscal year are welcome to submit audited financials, if that is the organization’s normal practice.


  1. How recent does an audit or reviewed financial statement have to be?

Reviewed or audited financial statements must have been conducted on a financial period within the last 36 months.


  1. Our church has a social program; can we apply?

Yes. As long as a religious congregation can demonstrate the program (a) fits within one of the focus areas and (b) does not require religious belief or participation as a condition for receiving services or participating in the programmatic offering.


  1. How do I decide whether to apply for general operating or program support?

Applicants must first determine their greatest organizational need. General operating support is the most flexible funding option with fewer restrictions. Applicants seeking general operating support must submit the organization’s current strategic plan along with the application. For applicants that do not have a current strategic plan, applying for program support is the alternative option. Program support applications require a program budget.


  1. What is a reasonable grant request amount?

Grant requests should not exceed $15,000.


  1. I am having trouble determining which focus area my organization fits within?

The four focus areas are defined below:

  • Arts & Culture: Organizations must present, produce, or provide arts programming for the public; art forms supported can be dance, design, folk arts, literature, media arts, music, opera, performance arts, theatre, public art, and visual arts. Organizations or projects that promote and/or preserve the region’s history and culture also fit into this category.
  • Basic Needs: Organizations must address hunger, poverty, housing, literacy, homelessness, family violence, addiction, mental illness, the needs of seniors, the needs of veterans, the needs of those with disabilities or with chronic illness, lack of access to basic medical care, and animal welfare.
  • Environment: Organizations and programs must address environmental stewardship and/or education. Nature education, energy and water conservation, land stewardship, wildlife protection, recycling and repurposing, and maintaining dark skies are all priorities that will be considered.
  • Youth Development: Organizations and programs that work with children and youth, from birth through age 21, are eligible. All types of youth development – from after school programming, STEM activities, youth sports, or educational programming will be considered.

Please contact us if you are unsure your organization fits within one of these four areas.


  1. My grant request does not fit into any of the focus areas, can I still apply?

Unfortunately, the Community Impact Fund only supports organizations and programs in the four focus areas. Please look at other funding opportunities that the Community Foundation offers to see if they meet your needs.


  1. When is the next grant cycle for the Community Impact Fund?

The 2025 cycle will open on Tuesday, May 20th, 2025, and close on Tuesday, July 1st, 2025, at noon.


  1. My organization received a Community Impact Fund grant last year, but we have not submitted our grant report; can we still apply?

No, all previous grant evaluations must be submitted as a prerequisite for applying.


  1. My organization’s application was declined last year; can we apply this year?

Absolutely! We welcome your application.


  1. Can I talk to someone about my application?

Yes! Please contact Ingrid Cunyus, Grants & Scholarships Manager, with any questions: 830-896-8811 or ingrid@communityfoundation.net.


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