Work With Us
Donors may recommend an investment advisor to manage the assets of their Community Foundation fund; the minimum endowed balance required is $250,000. The Foundation retains the donor-recommended investment advisor as long as the advisor is qualified, meets the Foundation’s due diligence criteria, and adheres to the Foundation’s investment policy.
Investment Strategy
Investment Performance
The Community Foundation regularly updates stakeholders on the performance of its investment portfolio. Through December 31, 2024, the Foundation's diversified portfolios had a rate of return of 9%.
The Foundation’s five-year rate of return is net 7.8%. All of these figures are net of all fees.
If you have questions about specific holdings of the Community Foundation, please contact us.
IRA Information
Doing Good With Your IRA
The IRA charitable rollover provision, which became permanent in 2015, allows tax-free distributions of up to $100,000 per taxpayer per taxable year to an eligible charitable organization, such as the Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country, from an IRA held by individuals age 70½ or older. Because the distribution goes directly to a qualified charity (the Foundation), the amount will neither be counted as income nor subject to income tax. Using IRA assets to make a gift during your lifetime, as opposed to giving via bequest in your will, enables you to experience the joy of making a major gift.
How to Begin
Contact your IRA administrator and ask for instructions for executing an IRA charitable rollover. If needed, the Community Foundation can provide you with a sample letter that you can send to your provider to initiate the rollover gift.
IRA transfers to the Community Foundation address a broad range of current and future needs. We evaluate all aspects of community – the arts, aging and elder care, basic needs, education, environment, health and well-being, etc. – and awards grants to select projects and programs. The transfer can be a direct donation or as a gift to an established or newly created fund. IRA rollover gifts cannot be made to donor-advised funds, but they can be made to field of interest funds or designated funds.
Up to $100,000 Annually
You can transfer excess retirement assets up to $100,000 per year directly and easily to the Community Foundation. The transaction incurs no federal income tax, and the asset is no longer part of your estate for tax purposes. You can choose to give during your lifetime so that you (and the community) can see results sooner than if your gift had been made through a will.
Make the Community Foundation Your IRA’s Beneficiary
When you give your IRA to charity, your heirs are not burdened by the taxes associated with receiving your IRA upon your death. Instead, you can leave them other assets that have a more favorable tax treatment. Larger estates face tax rates that significantly reduce the amount left to their heirs (other than a spouse). Any amounts left in an IRA when an individual dies may be taxed as income to the beneficiary and are also considered assets for the purpose of calculating that person’s estate tax liability.
Need more information? Please let us know how we can help.
The Community Foundation’s EIN is 74-2225369.
Fund Types
We have a variety of different fund types available to help meet specific donor objectives. We are happy to provide advice, assistance, and materials to help donors and their advisors understand their options – from funding assets and vehicle structures to investment portfolios and grantmaking.
Asset Types

The Community Foundation accepts a wide range of asset types, including ones that many commercial brokerage firms are unable to accommodate. Often donors may not even be aware of the options available to them. We specialize in simplifying the process of converting assets into contributions.
Create A Legacy
For decades, we have worked with donors to create a legacy of generosity. An art center’s theatre, a wellness program for seniors, general support for an animal shelter, a new fleet of vans for the recreation center – these gifts and many others have all been funded by legacy donors whose vision and generosity live on.
The easiest way to assist charities with an estate gift is to include a provision in a will. When someone has an up-to-date will that they don’t want to change, a simple codicil can be signed, witnessed, and attached to an existing will.
The Community Foundation offers the following samples of language for wills and bequests. We have dozens of examples to share with you, if nothing below meets your specific goals. The Community Foundation’s EIN is 74-2225369.